Singapore showed the maximum growth of the economy since 2011

According to the trade of the country of Singapore's GDP grew by 15.2 percent. The volume of industrial production in the first month of summer is much increased, and more precisely by 1.1 percent on an annual basis and by 37.6 per cent compared with the previous quarter.
In comparison with the previous year, the volume of construction increased by 5.5%, and last year was only 5%.
And the level of unemployed people this year is 1.9 percent, which contributes to the strengthening of GDP growth. This unemployment rate is nearing the minimum value over the past five years.
In the report, the Ministry of Trade said that the sudden increase in performance reflects the strong results of the manufacturing sector biomedical equipment and electronics.
Due to the growing domestic demand, Asian states are much easier suffered the consequences of uneven global economic recovery.
In addition, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has allowed the national currency to fall in value by 3% compared with the dollar in the last six months, which in turn increased the competitiveness of local products.
"The rapid growth of industrial production has exceeded our expectations, and the steady expansion of the service sector adds optimism to investors - said an analyst at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., Daniel Wilson. - Will the sustainable growth will depend on external factors."