Grants from the EU

The European Commission will allocate €533 million to develop cross—border and transnational cooperation, accelerate the transition to "green" technologies and support healthcare and education in 12 countries - Moldova, Ukraine and 10 EU countries. This was announced on December 2 in the press release of the institution.
According to the European Commission, this amount will be allocated within the framework of four new programs with the participation of 10 EU member states, Moldova and Ukraine. There are six such programs in total. They are designed for 2021-2027.
"[The new] programs will receive increased funding against the background of the commission's March decision to suspend cooperation with Russia and Belarus after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and transfer 26.2 million euros originally allocated to these two countries to strengthen cooperation with Ukraine and Moldova," the commission said in a press release.
The money will be distributed as follows:
— €77 million will go to cross-border cooperation between Romania and Moldova to improve education, health and nature protection
— €215 million will be allocated for transnational cooperation in the Danube region in the field of innovation and renewable energy sources
— €187 million will be allocated for cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the field of nature protection, health and border control
— €54 million — for cross-border cooperation between Romania and Ukraine to improve education, health and nature protection.