The PSRM condemned the actions of the police against the protesters

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova categorically condemns the actions of the country's authorities against the protesters on Sunday in the center of Chisinau. Every political formation has the legal right to hold peaceful marches and protest rallies. Blocking the route of the convoy with a double police cordon, aggressive actions against protesters, including elderly people, is a direct lawlessness. No government has ever allowed itself such actions.

We would like to remind the current leaders of Moldova that in 2018 they were outraged by the actions of the police on Moldova's Independence Day, when protesters, including current President Maya Sandu, tried to disrupt the official wreath-laying event at the monument to Stefan the Great.

This Sunday, the protesters did not try to disrupt any event with the participation of top officials of the state – they were trying to exercise their legal right to protest on Sunday. There is the use of double standards in relation to oneself and to the citizens of the country who hold opposite views.

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova considers peaceful protests a legitimate right of every citizen of the country. Police arbitrariness towards peaceful protesters who express political demands and do not commit acts of vandalism against state institutions, like the protesters in 2020, is absolutely unacceptable.

We demand from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide information regarding those who gave orders that provoked unjustified violence against peaceful protesters, and also call on the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Moldova to give a legal assessment to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and the actions of police officers who used such measures against protesters on Sunday, October 30, 2022. Every policeman who participated in violent actions against Moldovan citizens should be brought to justice.

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