«Газпром» и «Роснефть» сравниваем налоги.

The publication gave some information about the total amount of taxes paid by the gas company, includes all 56 charges of child build a company, and in addition to "Gazprom oil", one of five most grandiose figure of oil in the Russian Federation. Without the "Gazprom" in 2012, the gas monopoly disbursement of 1.479 trillion rubles in taxes.
In addition, the gas company paid taxes for employees of the company (42.7 billion) and insurance fees (63.5 billion), and taxes of 1.79 trillion rubles.
Accrual cast money "Rosneft", does not take into account the retracted her TNK-BP. Together with TNK-BP «Rosneft" this year will pay almost three trillion rubles to the budget. It follows from this conclusion that with the counting of all the subsidiaries, taxes, "Rosneft" will be far greater than that of "Gazprom".
In addition, 1.7 trillion rubles in tax are not included in the personal income tax and the makings of insurance paid by the oil company for its employees. The sum of the publication carries, and is not going to call.
At the shareholders meeting Alexey Miller declared that "Gazprom" the largest tax chernovnik Russia, in turn, Igor Sechin also said that "Rosneft" is the largest tax payers in the country.
This year, the "Gazprom" and "Rosneft" paid the penalty of more than 5-trillion rubles to the Russian budget. For comparison, we give an example: the yield of the federal budget in 2012 amounted to 12.85 trillion rubles. Almost 50 percent of the federal budget are taxes "Gazprom" and "Rosneft".