Romania is preparing to leave banks with Russian capital

The Romanian Government will have to approve a regulatory act on the basis of which it will take the necessary steps to withdraw Romania from the International Bank for Economic Cooperation.
The draft law to be approved is a denunciation of the Convention on Multilateral Settlements in Transferable Rubles and the Organization of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (BICE), concluded in Moscow on October 22, 1963, and the Protocol signed in Moscow on December 18, 1990, on Amendments to the Convention on Multilateral Settlements in Transferable Rubles and the Organization of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation cooperation, as well as in the Charter of this bank, informs
"The Romanian government will send an official notification of the denunciation of the BICE Convention and withdrawal from the bank's shareholders. The withdrawal from the shareholders of BICE will be made within at least 6 months from the date of notification, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX of the BICE Convention.
The Romanian authorities will continue to coordinate with Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria to ensure simultaneous withdrawal from BICE and establish similar exit methods that will ensure adequate protection of the interests of the withdrawing member states."